ErbB2 / HER2 (phospho Y877) 抗体 [EP2324Y] (ab108371) (2024)


  • Datasheet
  • SDS

Reviews (1)References (9)

Key features and details

  • Produced recombinantly (animal-free) for high batch-to-batch consistency and long term security of supply
  • Rabbit monoclonal [EP2324Y] to ErbB2 / HER2 (phospho Y877)
  • Suitable for: WB, IHC-P, Dot blot, ICC/IF, Flow Cyt (Intra)
  • Reacts with: Human

ErbB2 / HER2 (phospho Y877) 抗体 [EP2324Y] (ab108371) (9) Related conjugates and formulations

Alexa Fluor® 488 Alexa Fluor® 647 Carrier Free


  • 製品名

    Anti-ErbB2 / HER2 (phospho Y877) antibody [EP2324Y]
    ErbB2 / HER2 一次抗体 製品一覧

  • 製品の詳細

    Rabbit monoclonal [EP2324Y] to ErbB2 / HER2 (phospho Y877)

  • 由来種


  • アプリケーション

    適用あり: WB, IHC-P, Dot blot, ICC/IF, Flow Cyt (Intra)more details
    適用なし: IP

  • 種交差性

    交差種: Human

  • 免疫原

    Synthetic peptide. This information is proprietary to Abcam and/or its suppliers.

  • ポジティブ・コントロール

    • HeLa cell lysate, SKBR-3 cell lysate, Human breast ductal infiltrating carcinoma tissue, SKBR-3 cells.
  • 特記事項

    This product is a recombinant monoclonal antibody, which offers several advantages including:

    • - High batch-to-batch consistency and reproducibility
    • - Improved sensitivity and specificity
    • - Long-term security of supply
    • - Animal-free production

    For more information see here.

    Our RabMAb® technology is a patented hybridoma-based technology for making rabbit monoclonal antibodies. For details on our patents, please refer to RabMAb® patents.

    Mouse, Rat: We have preliminary internal testing data to indicate this antibody may not react with these species. Please contact us for more information.


  • 製品の状態


  • 保存方法

    Shipped at 4°C. Store at -20°C. Stable for 12 months at -20°C.

  • バッファー

    pH: 7.20
    Preservative: 0.01% Sodium azide
    Constituents: 0.31% Sodium citrate, 0.175% Sodium chloride, 0.0172% EDTA disodium salt, 59% PBS, 40% Glycerol (glycerin, glycerine), 0.05% BSA

  • ErbB2 / HER2 (phospho Y877) 抗体 [EP2324Y] (ab108371) (10)Concentration information loading...

  • 精製度

    Protein A purified

  • ポリ/モノ


  • クローン名


  • アイソタイプ


  • 研究分野

    • Cell Type Markers
    • Tumor Associated
    • Signal Transduction
    • Protein Phosphorylation
    • Tyrosine Kinases
    • Receptor Tyrosine Kinases
    • Signal Transduction
    • Growth Factors/Hormones
    • EGF
    • Cancer
    • Growth factors
    • EGF
    • Cancer
    • Tumor immunology
    • Tumor-associated antigens
    • Cancer
    • Tumor biomarkers
    • Oncoproteins
    • Neuroscience
    • Development


  • Alternative Versions

    • Alexa Fluor® 488 Anti-ErbB2 / HER2 (phospho Y877) antibody [EP2324Y] (ab237060)
    • Alexa Fluor® 647 Anti-ErbB2 / HER2 (phospho Y877) antibody [EP2324Y] (ab237061)
    • Anti-ErbB2 / HER2 (phospho Y877) antibody [EP2324Y] - BSA and Azide free (ab238437)
  • Isotype control

    • Rabbit IgG, monoclonal [EPR25A] - Isotype Control (ab172730)
  • Positive Controls

    • HeLa membrane extract lysate (ab29547)


The Abpromise guarantee

Abpromise保証は、 次のテスト済みアプリケーションにおけるab108371の使用に適用されます


アプリケーション Abreviews 特記事項
WB (1)

1/500 - 1/1000. Predicted molecular weight: 138 kDa.


1/250 - 1/500. Perform heat mediated antigen retrieval with citrate buffer pH 6 before commencing with IHC staining protocol.

Perform antigen retrieval before commencing with IHC staining protocol

Dot blot



1/50 - 1/100.

Flow Cyt (Intra)

Use at an assay dependent concentration.


1/500 - 1/1000. Predicted molecular weight: 138 kDa.

1/250 - 1/500. Perform heat mediated antigen retrieval with citrate buffer pH 6 before commencing with IHC staining protocol.

Perform antigen retrieval before commencing with IHC staining protocol

Dot blot

1/50 - 1/100.

Flow Cyt (Intra)
Use at an assay dependent concentration.


Is unsuitable for IP.


  • 機能

    Protein tyrosine kinase that is part of several cell surface receptor complexes, but that apparently needs a coreceptor for ligand binding. Essential component of a neuregulin-receptor complex, although neuregulins do not interact with it alone. GP30 is a potential ligand for this receptor. Regulates outgrowth and stabilization of peripheral microtubules (MTs). Upon ERBB2 activation, the MEMO1-RHOA-DIAPH1 signaling pathway elicits the phosphorylation and thus the inhibition of GSK3B at cell membrane. This prevents the phosphorylation of APC and CLASP2, allowing its association with the cell membrane. In turn, membrane-bound APC allows the localization of MACF1 to the cell membrane, which is required for microtubule capture and stabilization.
    In the nucleus is involved in transcriptional regulation. Associates with the 5'-TCAAATTC-3' sequence in the PTGS2/COX-2 promoter and activates its transcription. Implicated in transcriptional activation of CDKN1A; the function involves STAT3 and SRC. Involved in the transcription of rRNA genes by RNA Pol I and enhances protein synthesis and cell growth.

  • 組織特異性

    Expressed in a variety of tumor tissues including primary breast tumors and tumors from small bowel, esophagus, kidney and mouth.

  • 関連疾患

    Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer
    Ovarian cancer
    Lung cancer
    Gastric cancer
    Chromosomal aberrations involving ERBB2 may be a cause gastric cancer. Deletions within 17q12 region producing fusion transcripts with CDK12, leading to CDK12-ERBB2 fusion leading to truncated CDK12 protein not in-frame with ERBB2.

  • 配列類似性

    Belongs to the protein kinase superfamily. Tyr protein kinase family. EGF receptor subfamily.
    Contains 1 protein kinase domain.

  • 翻訳後修飾

    Autophosphorylated. Autophosphorylation occurs in trans, i.e. one subunit of the dimeric receptor phosphorylates tyrosine residues on the other subunit (Probable). Ligand-binding increases phosphorylation on tyrosine residues (PubMed:27134172). Signaling via SEMA4C promotes phosphorylation at Tyr-1248 (PubMed:17554007). Dephosphorylated by PTPN12 (PubMed:27134172).

  • 細胞内局在

    Cytoplasm. Nucleus and Cell membrane. Cytoplasm, perinuclear region. Nucleus. Translocation to the nucleus requires endocytosis, probably endosomal sorting and is mediated by importin beta-1/KPNB1.

  • Information by UniProt
  • 参照データベース

  • 別名

    • Verb b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene hom*olog 2, neuro/glioblastoma derived oncogene hom*olog antibody
    • C erb B2/neu protein antibody
    • CD340 antibody

    see all


  • Immunohistochemistry (Formalin/PFA-fixed paraffin-embedded sections) - Anti-ErbB2 / HER2 (phospho Y877) antibody [EP2324Y] (ab108371)

    ab108371, at 1/250, staining Human ErbB2 / HER2 (phospho Y877) in Human breast ductal infiltrating carcinoma tissue by immunohistochemistry.

    Perform heat mediated antigen retrieval with citrate buffer pH 6 before commencing with IHC staining protocol.

  • Western blot - Anti-ErbB2 / HER2 (phospho Y877) antibody [EP2324Y] (ab108371)

    All lanes : Anti-ErbB2 / HER2 (phospho Y877) antibody [EP2324Y] (ab108371) at 1/1000 dilution

    Lane 1 : A431 cell lysate - untreated
    Lane 2 : A431 cell lysate - treated with Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)

    Lysates/proteins at 10 µg per lane.

    All lanes : Peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L) at 1/100000 dilution

    Predicted band size: 138 kDa
    Observed band size: 180 kDa why is the actual band size different from the predicted?

    Exposure time: 1 minute

    Blocking and dilution buffer: 5% NFDM/TBST.

  • Flow Cytometry (Intracellular) - Anti-ErbB2 / HER2 (phospho Y877) antibody [EP2324Y] (ab108371)

    Intracellular Flow Cytometry analysis of A431 (human epidermoid carcinoma) untreated/treated with 200 ng/ml EGF for 15 minutes labeling ErbB2 / HER2 with purified ab108371 at 1/20. Cells were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde and permeabilised with 90% methanol. A Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG H&L (Alexa Fluor® 488) (ab150077) (1/2000 dilution) was used as the secondary antibody. Rabbit IgG, monoclonal [EPR25A] - Isotype Control (ab172730) (Black) was used as the isotype control, cells without incubation with primary antibody and secondary antibody (Blue) were used as the unlabeled control.

  • Dot Blot - Anti-ErbB2 / HER2 (phospho Y877) antibody [EP2324Y] (ab108371)

    Dot blot analysis of ErbB 2 (pY877) peptide (Lane 1) and ErbB2 / HER2 non-phospho peptide (Lane 2)labelling ErbB 2 (phospho Y877) with ab108371 at a dilution of 1/1000. A Peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L) was used as the secondary antibody at a dilution of 1/2500.

    Blocking and dilution buffer: 5% NFDM/TBST.

    Exposure time: 3 minutes.

  • Western blot - Anti-ErbB2 / HER2 (phospho Y877) antibody [EP2324Y] (ab108371)

    All lanes : Anti-ErbB2 / HER2 (phospho Y877) antibody [EP2324Y] (ab108371) at 1/500 dilution

    Lane 1 : HeLa cell lysate
    Lane 2 : EGF treated HeLa cell lysate
    Lane 3 : SKBR-3 cell lysate
    Lane 4 : EGF treated SKBR-3 cell lysate

    Lysates/proteins at 10 µg per lane.

    Predicted band size: 138 kDa

  • Immunocytochemistry/ Immunofluorescence - Anti-ErbB2 / HER2 (phospho Y877) antibody [EP2324Y] (ab108371)

    ab108371, at 1/50 dilution, staining Human ErbB2 / HER2 (phospho Y877) in SKBR-3 cells by immunofluorescence.

  • Anti-ErbB2 / HER2 (phospho Y877) antibody [EP2324Y] (ab108371)


  • SDS download

    ErbB2 / HER2 (phospho Y877) 抗体 [EP2324Y] (ab108371) (18)

  • Datasheet download


参考文献 (9)

ab108371 を使用した論文を発表された方は、こちらまでお知らせください。データシートに掲載させていただきます。

ab108371 は 9 報の論文で使用されています。

  • Li L et al. Neuregulin-1 promotes the proliferation, migration, and angiogenesis of human periodontal ligament stem cells in vitro. Cell Biol Int 46:792-805 (2022). PubMed: 35077607
  • Yeo MK et al. HER2 Expression in Peritoneal Dissemination of High-Grade Serous Ovarian Carcinoma: A Comparative Study of Immunohistochemical Reactivity Using Four HER2 Antibodies. J Clin Med 11:N/A (2022). PubMed: 36498537
  • Zeng J et al. Hsp90 up-regulates PD-L1 to promote HPV-positive cervical cancer via HER2/PI3K/AKT pathway. Mol Med 27:130 (2021). PubMed: 34666670
  • Burguin A et al. Trastuzumab effects depend on HER2 phosphorylation in HER2-negative breast cancer cell lines. PLoS One 15:e0234991 (2020). PubMed: 32584853
  • Oh DY et al. Precision medicine approaches to lung adenocarcinoma with concomitant MET and HER2 amplification. BMC Cancer 17:535 (2017). PubMed: 28806950
  • Mo T et al. Effect of Fu-Zheng-Xiao-Liu Granules on Expression of Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 (HER-2) and Proliferation and Apoptosis of Breast Cancer Cell Line SKBR-3. Med Sci Monit 22:5068-5073 (2016). PubMed: 28008166
  • Shekhar A et al. Transcription factor ETV1 is essential for rapid conduction in the heart. J Clin Invest 126:4444-4459 (2016). IHC-Fr ; Mouse . PubMed: 27775552
  • Sanabria-Figueroa E et al. Insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor signaling increases the invasive potential of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-overexpressing breast cancer cells via Src-focal adhesion kinase and forkhead box protein M1. Mol Pharmacol 87:150-61 (2015). PubMed: 25391374
  • Oh DY et al. HER2 as a novel therapeutic target for cervical cancer. Oncotarget 6:36219-30 (2015). WB . PubMed: 26435481

レビューと Q&A

ErbB2 / HER2 (phospho Y877) 抗体 [EP2324Y] (ab108371) (20)

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ErbB2 / HER2 (phospho Y877) 抗体 [EP2324Y] (ab108371) (2024)


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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.