From the sunlit beaches of Marseille to the world stage, Carla's skating journey is inspiring. Starting at the age of six, her passion for inline skating has only grown stronger over the years. As she prepares for the upcoming championships, Carla shares her training regimen and her unwavering dedication to the sport she loves.
Carla,you'reknownforbeinggreatatstreetandparkskating. Howdidyoustart skating andwhatmadeyoucontinue topursuethesport?
Istartedinline skatingwhenIwas6. In Marseille there is a mythic bowlclose bythe beach. I was walking by the sea with my mum, I saw a guy skating and itlookedwonderful, it looked like he was flying. Straight after seeing that I told to my mom I want to do that and the day after I had skate on my feet. After thatI’veneverstopped,and my parents still support me a lot in what I do.
How areyougettingreadyfor theWorld Championshipsin RomethisSeptember?
I’vestarted specificphysical preparation almost 4 months before the world championship. Iadapted it on the preparation that OscarBriex(physical coach of French team) did for me to prepare the summerseason.
My biggest weak point was the vertical trigger and the program he did helped me a lot, I felt a real difference on myskates,and I want to progresseven moreonthis aspect.
So, Ido:
- 6weeksof powerstrength
- 1weekoff togivethenervoussystem time torecover
- 6weeksof power speed
- 2weekstorest,doinga lot ofmobilityand riding atlowintensity/volume tofeelgood inmybodywhenI go to Rome.
Then I also work on my skating, more on the quality of execution of the tricks than on the technical aspect. I want to have a solid routine for the World Championships.
Then I know thattheparkchallenge inWorld Championships will bebowlthis year, and to be good atbowlyouhave topractice alot,soI’llbe practicingbowla lotthis summer.
It mustbetough tokeepupwithschooland skating at thesametime.Whatareyou studying, and how doyoumanageyourtime?
I study osteopathy, this discipline aims to restore the functions of the body by treating the causes of pain and functional disorders. To do this, it relies on a perfect knowledge of anatomy and physiology.Itis a lot of work andit’snot easy to combine sport and school every day, but I really love what I do in both thesedomains,and I need this balance between my two passions to be happy.Tokeep the energy to do everythingI’mtryingtoachieveahealthylifestyle andgetting enough sleep. It means neverpartying,a lightersocial life… sometimes youhave tomake some choices andthat’sthe one I chose.
Weseethatyoutakefitness and nutritionseriously. How doyouplanyourmealsandworkoutsto helpyouskatebetter?
I’mnotthatserious interms ofnutrition, Ieat what I likeha-ha. I get food for the nutriments/ energy it gives,not for the caloric/aestheticaspect.
Regardingfitness, I really appreciate feeling good when I skate,that’swhyI’mvery seriousaboutmy workout.It’sdifficult to find the right balance, you have toworkout but not toomuch and at the right timein ordernottobeingtootired for skating,and to decreasethe risk of injury. I usedtoworkouttoomuch during a year,I really wanted to doeverything,and Ididn’tlistenmy body whichwasliterally cryingha-ha. I ended the year with accumulated tiredness and a succession of injuries.
NowIthinkI'mon the righttrackevenifadjustmentsstillneedtobemade to continue theprogress. Ikeepinmymindthatskatingisthepriority.
Previously Itoldyou about several training cycles. In the first six weeks I do two-three gym sessions per week:
- Power : 1h30
- Strengthening: 1h
And if I have time andenergy
- Upperbody 1h
- 3-5 skate sessions (freeskateandstreet) 1-2h
In the second part, three-four gym sessions:
- Power 1h45
- PowerStrengthening1h30
- Plyometricsand cardio 45min
- Upperbody 1h
- 3-5 skate sessions
Thenon the last twoweeksofpreparationonlyskating andmobility.
Yourfanswouldlove to know more aboutyourskates.WhatkindofRollerblade® inline skates doyouuse incontests, andwhydoyoulikethem?
In competition I always use the Rollerblade® Blank Team skates. I really like them because they arevery simpleand sober like me, they match me and my personality. I like their design and theyalso areverysupportive and responsive.
Withthe Romechampionshipscomingup,whatgoals haveyouset foryourselfandwhatwoulditmeanforyoutosucceedthere?
I’ve got second place at the last World Championships street in Argentina in 2022 so naturally I want to do better this year. The level in women’s competition has really increased these lasttwoyear so it’s notgoing tobe easy, althoughI’m happy torankmyself withinthe actualtoplevel and I can’t wait to see theyoungergirls killing it over there, it’sgoing tobe epic.
Since I startedinline skating,I dreamedabout going toWorld Championships,it’s already an honor for me to have the opportunity to go there.
You influence a lot of people in the skating world. How doyouwantto help thecommunity,especiallytogetmoreyoungwomento startskating?
I’mvery shy but I think with a good attitude and showingyourlove for your sport you can do a lot.I’mtryingto be myself and to show a good example for the young women who wantsto start skating.
Aggressiveinline skatingisa sportbasedapproximatelyon80% on the mental and 20% on thephysical. Ihavenothingtoteachthemonthetechnicalaspect, but if I cansharewiththemmy17yearsofexperienceinthissportthatwould bea goodthing.
Marseille has many greatplaces to skate.Whichplace doyoulike best for training, andwhydoesithelpyougetreadyfor bigcompetitions?
My local skatepark is the PalaisOmnisportsMarseille, an indoor skate park.It’sindoors so it’s perfect to train all the year. I also really like the Bowl ofMarseille,which isperfect for summer session next to the sea.
Canyoutell us about a time inyourskating lifethatyou'llneverforgetorwhenyou reallyfeltyouachievedsomethingspecial?
In 2022, I spentalmost ayear being injured. I wanted to get back on my skate too fast. I was recovering from an injury and straight after I wasinjured again. In May, Itooka big fall on my right knee, which took me two months to recover. I got bored about beinginjured all the time and I stopped skating togive mybody time to heal. I got back on myskatesin July.
The French coach called me and told me that I was picked for the European Championships in October in Valencia, Spain.So,I had to recover fast and get my level back for this one. It was hard;I totally lost my confidence onskates. I was about to stopskating;I was so apprehensive that Iwasn’thaving fun anymore.
IwenttotheEuropeanChampionships;I started practicingand it wasa terriblefeeling.I was putting so much pressure on myself. Atsomepoint,Idon’tknow what happened, I totally forgotaboutthe competition and for the first time inayear I had fun onmy skates. It felt incredible. I ended third in Park and Street -it’snot my best result butit’sa moment thatI’llnever forget. It taught me to takethetime torecover before getting back onskates,and that fun is the most important thing in sport.
Withthe WorldChampionshipsin Romealmosthere,whatwouldyoulike to tellyour fans and theRollerblade®communityaboutwhattheycanexpectfromyou?
I train a lot for those championships!I’llgive all I can as always and make thisa beautifuland uniqueexperience.Can’twait!